Quality & Environmental Action Policy

Ensuring Excellence Through Sustainability

Pursuit of TRQDCE to Keep Customers Satisfied

Core Values

T - Technology

Promotion of technical development capabilities in line with customer needs

R - Response

Instant response to changes in conditions

Q - Quality

Assurance of quality trusted by customers

D - Delivery

Creation of production systems that meet customer needs

C - Cost

Increase in cost performance for international markets

E - Environment

Creation of eco-friendly production systems that reduce environmental impact

Procurement Policy

Conflict Minerals Policy
We make it our corporate policy not to engage in human rights violation, environmental destruction, corruption or any other form of injustice. We have zero tolerance for human rights abuses of any kind in the process of procuring minerals from conflict areas and high-risk regions. We do not form business relationships with entities or individuals that violate human rights, nor do we take part in acts that adversely affect the social and economic system or the environment.
Responsible Mineral Procurement
Profits from mining and dealing with tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (collectively referred to as 3TG) and cobalt in conflict areas and high-risk regions, like the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its neighboring countries, are financial sources for armed groups and antigovernment forces. Using minerals from these areas and regions has a potential risk of fueling conflict, human rights violation and environmental destruction. We think that mineral mining has social and environmental risks and should be controlled as an intensive industry.

Internal production of materials

The compounds used as the sheathing material for cables and tubes are produced within the HIRAKAWA HEWTECH Group in line with the Chemical Substances Control Standard.

Environmentally friendly cables

We create “environmentally friendly products” that do not use any substance of concern.

Basic Policy on Chemical Substance Control

11. Pay adequate attention to the occupational health and safety of workers in product manufacturing.
22. Comply with the environment- and safety-related laws, regulations and rules, as well as with the agreements to which we consent and other relevant standards.
33. Keep track of the market trends and the trends of material suppliers and others, pursue economic efficiency in line with market needs and procure environmentally friendly raw materials, parts, devices, packaging materials and so on.
44. Reduce waste discharge from sites and the amount of waste.
55. Achieve 3R (①Reduce, ② Reuse and ③ Recycle) when selecting and using raw materials, parts, devices, packaging materials and so on.
66. Process waste according to the law before moving it.