Cablul de date Type-C suportă un curent de până la 5A și o putere maximă de 100W, compatibil cu protocoale de încărcare rapidă precum Huawei FCP și Xiaomi QC3.0...
USB IF Certification: A Complete Guide to Understanding USB Standards and Certification Process We often overlook USB technology standards while using them to power and connect [...]
Lightning Cables Not Working: Troubleshooting and Fixing Common Issues Most Apple customers depend on Lightning cables to power their devices including iPhones iPads and AirPods. Having [...]
USB 3 vs Type-C: A Comprehensive Guide New technology advances keep changing the ways we connect devices together. Two commonly mentioned terms in recent discussions are [...]
The Ultimate Guide to USB Cable Types: Everything You Need to Know While considering data transferring, USB cables are the most underrated tools of the present [...]