Типе-Ц кабл за пренос података подржава струју до 5А и максималну снагу од 100В, компатибилан је са протоколима брзог пуњења као што су Хуавеи ФЦП и Ксиаоми КЦ3.0...
Understanding Watts and Phone Chargers Watts are a crucial unit of measurement for power in electrical devices, indicating the rate at which energy is consumed or […]
Introduction to Phone Charger Types In the digital era, mobile devices have become indispensable tools for communication, entertainment, and productivity. Central to the usage of these […]
Understanding iPhone Battery Health The concept of battery health refers to the current capacity of a device’s battery compared to its original capacity when it was […]
Introduction to USB Cables USB cables, short for Universal Serial Bus cables, form a standard method for data transfer and power supply across a plethora of […]